Tag Archives: creatures

Christmas Special 2021

Every day from December 1st to December 24th a new surprise update is waiting for you! Last year I took a break because of the relaunch, but now the beloved annual Christmas Specials are back. For 24 days I will draw all kinds of new backgrounds, clothes and other objects to give you more possibilities to build your pictures. The old Christmas Specials can be found here.

And the best part is: YOU can request new items for these updates! Upload them to the Wish Voting gallery and if I like them they will appear there. Then everybody can discuss them. Popular ideas have a high chance to appear in the Christmas Special. But I will also include surprises from older requests which are not in the gallery.

I hope you enjoy the updates! Of course I am happy about feedback, so tell me about your favourites. 🙂

day 1: gingerbread man
day 2: tentacle legs
day 3: Sailor Moon dress
day 4: boxing shorts
day 5: PlayStation 5
day 6: home video effects
day 7: braids
day 8: library
day 9: MK ninja costumes
day 10: French fries
day 11: braces
day 12: mouths
day 13: Wild West
day 14: wasp / bee
day 15: Xbox Series X & S
day 16: extra shirt parts
day 17: Matrix code
day 18: Holes
day 19: 18th century dress
day 20: party border
day 21: flags & more languages
day 22: striped socks
day 23: hand fan
day 24: snowman

Christmas Special 2017

The 10th annual Christmas Special has started! Wow, I am doing this thing for 10 years now… But for those of you who don’t know it yet: I will surprise you with 24 daily updates until Christmas. This means new clothes, hairstyles, backgrounds or any other item for the SP-Studio. This blog post and the front page will be updatet every day and I will keep you informed on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well. So make sure to come back to see what’s new. 🙂 And of course I am happy about any feedback. To be honest a comment is way better than a like because it’s something personal and I can work with it. So if you like an update or want to request something special for the future – feel free to write a comment! I usually choose the updates from requests of the past, the Wish Voting Gallery in the forum and my own ideas. The first update is a pet raven and this was a wish by contest winner legobasher.

The old Christmas Specials can be found here: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
What were your favorite updates from 10 years?
SP-Studio Advent Calendar

South Park x Guardians of the Galaxy costumes

Superheroes #1: Guardians

Suth Park x Guardians of the Galaxy crossover SP-Studio updateFor ages my visitors have asked me for superhero costumes, and now your wish shall be granted. This is the start of a couple of updates with costumes inspired by famous superheroes. For the start I picked the Guardians of the Galaxy, because their second movie runs in theaters just now. This is new:

  • Rocket Raccoon inspired clothes, tail, face fur and white whiskers
  • Star-Lord inspired clothes and mask
  • Gamora inspired clothes
  • Baby Groot 🙂

You might ask for Drax now. I want to split the content in several small updates, so each of them has 3 costumes. Baby Groot was a bonus because it’s no actual costume. So Drax might come later – or other heroes, because there are a ton of them to choose from. Let’s see what will be included next. 🙂

Christmas Special

Christmas Special 2015

Christmas time is present time! In the 8th year in a row I will surprise you with a fresh SP-Studio update every day until December 24th. And YOU can suggest what you would like to see. Write your requests in the comments and they might be included. I will update this post and the front page with the Advent Calendar every day, so keep an eye on it. Or you can follow SP-Studio.de on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter if you don’t want to miss anything.

The old Christmas Specials can be found here: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

The first new item for this year’s Christmas Special is a dress inspired by traditional Swiss fashion, as wished by my good friend Johanna. Initially I wanted to do another update about fashion from around the world, but decided to combine it with the Advent Calendar instead. I hope you like it and all the other things which are about to come next :).

SP-Studio Advent Calendar

Hair and sheep

T.E.A.R.S. updateThis is a mixed update with 5 new items. They were inspired by fan art (this one) I drew for Rocketbeans’ “T.E.A.R.S.” show. Rocketbeans TV is a German Twitch channel and T.E.A.R.S. is their pen & paper rpg (created by Hauke). After I finished the picture I thought: “Hey, some of those items might be useful for the SP-Studio!”. So here they are: 3 new hairsytles, a beard and a sheep.
And there is another update… I think you will like it :). This was a wish by contest winner Jetpack-guy, but also something I had on my list for a looong time. The order of some layers has changed. Now you can wear ties under vests and jackets if you use the freestyle collection. And shirt motifs will appear under jackets as well if you select them for level 3. In the past ties and shirt motifs always showed up on everything else.

South Park style animals

Animal month: Forest Animals

South Park animalsFor the third animal related update I included parts of some local forest animals. Most of them were wishes by SP-Studio fans:

  • mouse ears
  • mouse tail
  • squirrel tail
  • bird beak (also good for dragons)
  • belly shape, useful for different animals
  • the old wings have custom colors now as well
South Park animals

Animal month: Safari!

South Park animalsThe second “animal month” SP-Studio update includes 8 new body parts inspired by African animals. You can use them to create zebras, cheetahs, elephants… but they are useful for other animal characters as well, like tigers or walruses. Those are the new items:

  • stripes & points for the skin
  • paws as hands
  • trunk as a nose
  • cat mouth & elephant mouth with tusks
  • cat ears & elephant ears

Which animal parts do you want to see in the upcoming updates for this month?

My Little Pony invasion

MLP:FIM goes South ParkI want to dedicate a whole month of SP-Studio updates to animals, so let’s start with a very popular species: The pony! I included 11 new items inspired by the cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, developed by Lauren Faust.

  • Hooves as hands, a pony nose, a unicorn horn, wings and pony ears.
  • 2 tails and 4 hairstyles inspired by main characters of the show.

And as a special bonus: A wallpaper!
I hope this little tribute is a nice addition for all bronies out there and will be useful for other types of animal characters as well. I designed the hair so you can even use it for human characters. You might wonder why there are no unique details like the cutie marks or colorful highlights in the hair. This is because I did not want to just copy one existing pony but rather find interesting parts for creative use. Special thanks to Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie who posed as models :).

Update: This and that

  • Today I included a confirmation prompt to avoid the deleting of pictures by accident. If you click on the delete button now the picture does not disappear immediately, but you are asked if you really want to do this.
  • The horse is now availible in many different colors (stuff > animals).
  • A wish by contest winner Till: A spiderweb was added (stuff > averything else).

July will be dedicated to new background pictures for the SP-Studio, and there will be a vote for your suggestions, so make sure to have a look then :).

SP-Studio.de Christmas Special

SP-Studio Christmas Special 2012

This is the fifth annual Christmas Special! From December 1 until December 24 a new SP-Studio object will be revealed every day. Hair-styles, bodyparts, clothes, toys, background pictures… 24 surprises! So keep an eye on the Advent Calendar to be up to date:
Advent Calendar
The first item is a teapot, let’s see what the next days will bring. You can comment here to make suggestions and of course I am always happy about feedback. I hope you enjoy my updates and have a great time with this Advent Calendar!