Wish Voting submission

Unfortunately, the Wish Voting updates have to pause due to my health problems.
Read more in this blog post…

Suggest new items for future SP-Studio updates! The best ideas are added to the wish voting gallery where everybody can discuss them.

  • Different body shapes are NOT POSSIBLE! Wonder why? Read here.
    Please STOP asking about adults / poses / sideviews. I am repeating myself.
  • Pick items many people find useful and add good reference pictures.
  • Don’t focus on South Park items too much. I want to stop copying them.


    Please be patient. I look at every submission, but it can take weeks between updating. Only some wishes make it into the gallery. You can make more than one wish, but please do not spam similar wishes too much. If you provide an e-mail address I might reply and explain why your wish was declined. I sometimes change the description or picture. If your wish appears in the wish voting gallery this is no promise to include it into the SP-Studio – it just improves the chances. There are too many to make promises, and I hope you understand I don’t want to raise false expectations.