Tag Archives: new functions

Update: Text tool & speech bubbles

SP-Studio UpdateYou can now add text to your SP-Studio images!

Click on the “A” button and start to write. You can pick a font, color, size, format, rotate, lock or move it. In addition I have drawn some blank speech bubbles in different shapes which you can combine with your text. Visit the “Places” / “Foreground effects” category.

The text tool was the last big feature from the old SP-Studio which I was not able to bring back. But as always when it comes to coding Lars was there to help! Not only did he recreate the text tool but he improved it a lot. You can even use emojis, how cool ist that? With the new fonts and style options you will be able to create individual sports trikots, greeting cards or cartoons. Have fun!

Why ads returned

SP-Studio UpdateSince I want to stay transparent here is a quick post to talk about why ads are back. My goal with the SP-Studio is to provide a fun tool that’s free for everybody to use. There is no subscription model, micro payments or anything like this. But I need money to run this project. After the relaunch in 2020 the ad banner I used for many years was deactivated and I hoped voluntarily donations might rise. But they did not, and so I have to activate it again. The ad is not visible in mobile view and has the small shape you are used to from the past, because I don’t want to annoy you. Thanks to my loyal Patrons and PayPal donations I think I can avoid bigger ads. So thank you very much to everybody who supports the SP-Studio!

Please deactivate your ad blocker for SP-Studio.de to make this work.

Update: a mixed LGK update

SP-Studio UpdateLars is on fire! Our favourite React developer added even more features to the SP-Studio:

  • Improved rotation: You can now choose to rotate an item clockwise or counter-clockwise.
  • Repositioning the options: In the desktop view a new arrow icon lets you pin the options menu to the top of the page. This can be helpful if you don’t want it to cover the item list.
  • Two new items: And as a little thank you for Lars I included bigger round glasses and a smart watch. The new SP-Studio gets better with every update and I appreciate his help a lot.

You can find Lars’ personal website here: https://lgk.io

SP-Studio Update

Update: Language, SVG and more

SP-Studio UpdateLars (LGK) coded useful new functions for the SP-Studio!

  • A language switcher was added to the bottom of the main page. Until now the language was only determined by your browser settings.
  • A button for the default character was added. After deleting all items you can now bring back the blue default character instead of building from scratch.
  • You can now save SVG files. They have the best quality and can be edited in specialized software. Because of my trouble with art theft it was no easy choice for me to allow these files. But I trust you to always mention SP-Studio.de as a source when you use my drawings for your own projects. Please show this respect for my years of work by adding a back link when sharing pictures based on SP-Studio assets. Under no circumstances I allow to just steal and share my assets (like the backgrounds) on websites like DeviantArt.

New: Wish Voting!

SP-Studio Wish Voting Gallery for requested itemsThe WISH VOTING GALLERY is back!

This part of the website gives you the chance to submit ideas for new SP-Studio items I should draw. You can upload a picture with a short description and if I like the idea it will be added to the gallery. There everybody can rate and discuss it. When I work on future updates I will have a look at the gallery and it will help me to decide which popular requests to focus on first.

Important: The wish voting gallery is a handy tool to collect and discuss wishes for new items in one place, but it is never a guarantee. So if your wish is not chosen please do not try to convince me otherwise. Apart from the gallery I already have a very long list of requests.

SP-Studio Discord server

SP-Studio Discord serverhttps://discord.gg/NJQ8eWEhcS
Follow this link to join the shiny new SP-Studio DISCORD SERVER! Since I am not very active on Discord this server is run by somebody else with way more experience: Jareen2 (longtime SP-Studio Forum moderator) had the idea and created it. Thank you very much! I trust Jareen2 enough to do a good job over there, so this is an “officially approved unoffical platform”. I will reply to questions in the #support and #feedback channels and you will be informed about any updates in the #announcements channel. But you can also share your pictures or just do small talk. See you there!

To celebrate the launch we will have a meet-up in the voice-chat this Saturday at 7pm CEST.

Update: Shading button

SP-Studio update: shading buttonYou can now turn shadows and highlights off in the item options!

Lars coded this useful new button for us, and I know many were waiting for it. You can now decide if you want to see an item with a more detailed look or if you prefer less details. In the old SP-Studio this was only possible for hairstyles, but now you find the button on all kind of items.

There are many advantages of the new button: Patterns on wallpapers or clothes might look different when you turn off the shading. South Park fans who prefer the classic “flat” style can use it so their characters look more original. You can hide the glass of glasses. And with less details it is easier to use items as something else which will come in handy for the creative SP-Studio artists.

The new SP-Studio is here!

It’s finally here! Three years of preparations by optimizing all my drawings, three months of developing by Lars and now I am proud and happy to present you the new SP-Studio we have worked on so hard. No Flash is required anymore and it will run in every browser – so go ahead and give it a try! 🙂 I would love to read your feedback in the comments. You can still visit the old Flash versions here. If you want to use the mobile version just visit the website, no app store is required. The offline version I announced is not working though – please stay online for now. You will find many new items as well, but I let you discover them for yourselves. And finally I want to thank everybody who supported me during these years – with your donations, your knowledge and your kind words. Your help made this possible!

The amazing new LOCK function

The amazing new LOCK functionThe new SP-Studio comes with a poweful feature that has not been a part of the old version. It’s worth exploring, because I know you will love it: The new LOCK button!
This button in the item menu lets you lock / unlock any item. While usually items in one category automatically replace each other a locked item is not replaced anymore. If you select something else from the same category it will be placed in addition to the first item. If they share the same space on the stage they will stack on top of each other. Here are some examples of the possibilities this new function offers:

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More freedom with colors

sp-studio.deI already promised more freedom when it comes to recoloring existing items, and now I want to show you a little preview of what this actually means. 🙂

These are some of the t-shirts which only had one standard color scheme in the old SP-Studio. In the new SP-Studio they will have up to two custom colors which you can combine in any way you want. I feel like this is a huge step forward to more creative freedom when it comes to shaping your own characters. It’s a lot ot fun to play with the colors and your characters will look more unique because of these options.