Therian masks (different animals)

Therian masks (different animals)

27 thoughts on “Therian masks (different animals)

  1. #anon

    oo, I really like this idea! I may not be making therians, but there are the wild boys that I’m making and these masks would be perfect!!

  2. thatonedragonkin

    actually yes please oubshvs–

    but do be sure to add options for otherkins as well, like dragonkins or gryphaunkins.

  3. Ambidoe

    AUTISM and Maobuns, literally stfu. Just because it says ‘therian masks’ doesn’t entirely mean its just for therians. just plain animal masks are fine too, and I saw one of you comment on the fursuits, too. FS’s and the masks AREN’T just exclusive to furries/therians etc.

  4. Kian

    Thx also haters stfu words can cause suicides also being a therian isn’t a furry or a choice and you might say “words are just words” and suicide is just death stop hating

  5. why am I here

    yess please my best friend is a quadrubist and she watches South Park she would love itttt! Also haters just scroll don’t comment hateful stuff because sending death threats could actually lead to them killing themselves.

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