Every day from December 1st to December 24th a new surprise update is waiting for you! Last year I took a break because of the relaunch, but now the beloved annual Christmas Specials are back. For 24 days I will draw all kinds of new backgrounds, clothes and other objects to give you more possibilities to build your pictures. The old Christmas Specials can be found here.
And the best part is: YOU can request new items for these updates! Upload them to the Wish Voting gallery and if I like them they will appear there. Then everybody can discuss them. Popular ideas have a high chance to appear in the Christmas Special. But I will also include surprises from older requests which are not in the gallery.
I hope you enjoy the updates! Of course I am happy about feedback, so tell me about your favourites. π

I love South Park
janina ; i really lke the gingerbread man ; that reminds me of the story of the the gingerbread man when he said run run as fast as you can you cant catch me i am the gingerbread man
Thank you Klara π Hmm… I don’t think I knew this story before, but I read about it now on Wikipedia. Seems like it might be not that popular in Germany.
your welcome ; i like when you put some items ; i hope that covid will be over ; i am not vaccineded ; but my mom has a two vaccinietion over with
I’m vaccinated twice, but still wear a mask and stay away from groups. The numbers are high at the moment… but I hope things will get better next year.
where did you find on your computer a smlie face ? its cute
That’s done automatically by the website when you write
and baby in german is like the same with english writing ?
Yes. You can translate words here: https://www.google.com/search?q=google+translate
I Love Christmas π
janina ; whats that picture with a camera on the update ?
It is in the “places / foreground effects” category: effects to make the picture look like a home video or found footage movie. π
janina ; i am going to sent some wishes untill the december 24th will be began to the new christmas special ; i still have time for wait
kinda mad because my teacher wants me to make 100 characters…
Your teacher wants to make you 100 SP-Studio characters?
what ? ; bloop said that the teaher wants her or him to make 100 south park characters ; whats that mean janina
Don’t ask me, I have no idea π
janina ; i really like the south park studio
thank you for these french fries item wish janina
You’re welcome π
Sorry, but I don’t understand you. Can you please try to write in English?
thank you for these brace mouths ; they are my favorite itams
I am glad you like them.
i really like these wishes ; what wish update will you do next on tomorrow and today
It would not be a surprise if I’d tell you π
no ; it would not ; ok ; i will wait ;giggle ; are you healthy ?
janina ; hope you are healthy ; how are your eyes ?
It’s okay. I still experience the same problems I have since the start of the year, but they did not get worse. I guess that’s a good thing.
Apart from this I feel good. π
the reason why i am saying that ; ts because ; i worried about you ; and i also care about you too ; you are special too me ; you are like a friend to me
This is very nice of you to say, but I hope you have real life friends too who are way closer to you.
my friend chalotte is going to try teach me german
why the itelms have holes in it whats that
Well, it’s just a hole. You can put it on a background floor or wall π For example if you want to create pictures like a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
and now you are going to make a wish on the deember 19 ?
Yes, no day will get lost.
thanks ; i know this is not a chat ; but do you like anime ; and by the way ; what is a aime
I don’t understand your second question.
But no… I do not watch anime. The only one I liked so far was Death Note. I am more into live action movies.
That’s why anime related wishes rarely make it into the SP-Studio. I don’t draw things I don’t know. π
opps ; sorry janina for send you this wish
Hello I am addy
What is ur favorite color
i cant wait for tmorrow janina
@Klara : you’re kinda creepy even for me reading your comments :/
@Janina, Thank you for your awesome work and your creativity
how i am creepy ?
janina ? ; not to spam you but i wiish for head brace and a and a dirt on the characters face
@Karmage: Thank you for your kind feedback π
@klara: Please do not repeat the same wishes. You already sent them in and this is what the wish voting is for.
By the way… there already is a head brace and dirt. You can move the dirt with the moving tool.
well janina karmage just said that i am creepy ; i dont know how i am creepy ; i ws only saying that i was happ for the wish items that you are going to put today
not to spam youu ; but janina ; are you going to put the rest o the wish itelms to the south prk studio ?
It’s Christmas eve and my vacation, give me some rest please…
It was 24 days of updates for the Christmas Special and it is over now. I even included two of your own wishes.
The rest of the Wish Voting gallery wishes have a chance to appear in updates later next year, but not soon. Of course I cannot draw every wish, because it needs some time. There are too many of them. But I try my best to include some of them when it is possible and fits the topic of an update.
happy new year janina ; frohes neues jahr
janina ; sorry for bothering your vacation but i have to ask you something; do youknow goanimate ?
janina ; in the old south park studio ; i did not know who create this old south park studio when i first got here to the south park studio ? ; was it you ?
Of course. π I had the idea for the first SP-Studio around 2001 and it was published in 2002.
Later on I gave it its own website here (but it was also published on the official South Park website in the beginning).
oh ; ok ; i am going to go to a new school on september ; and on july i am going to say goodbye to my friends and my teachers
janina ;i wish i was creacte something so that i want to be a south park and pokemon creacter just like you ; i love south park studio souch ; but ; the thing is ; i cant support you because i am not join yet ; is the supporting free ?
I am not sure what you mean?
The support page is about donating money for the SP-Studio. It is voluntarily. But who has money and wants to help can donate. If you do not have much money there is no need to do so.
Do you have a rough estimation on when the next update comes out? Itβs okay if itβs a whole from now, Iβll wait.
There will be an update this month I already work on, and I hope to get it online around the 20th. But it’s difficult to tell because it depends on my daily job. If there is much work to do it will be late February.
can you draw brocks orange vest with brown trim from the pokemon diamond and pearl ?
janina ; did you get my wish?
Yes, but there was no picture of the wish? I do not know what it looks like. So please always include a fitting picture when you make a wish (for example you can use Google image search for this).
but how can i upload my picture to my fitting there are no buttuns to says upload ; and i cant find a upload button
not to spam you janina ; but i finely found he picture
Great! It worked and you even managed to do it on your own.
i began to use printerest to upload it
not to spam you ; but are you going to put itlems in 2 months ? on the may ?
I am not planning so far ahead to be honest. The next two updates are planned for February and March and after this I will see what makes sense then.
janina ; i made another wish for the wish gallery
janina ;; i love the wish votting and the items
janina ; the wishes are for next chrismas ?
I will try to have an update every month. So there will be 10 updates before Christmas with a chance to include some of the wishes. It depends on the topic. The next two updates will be about “Steam Punk” (February) and “Work / Business fashion” (March) – so wishes that fit these might appear then. π
Christmas is a good chance for all wishes which did not fit in a topical update before.
oh ;even my some of the update will appear as well ?
I am not sure what you mean?
I select a topic for an update. And if there is something fitting in the wish voting gallery it might be in the update. But I don’t think you have anything there related to steampunkt or business fashion.
i have a quistion ; do you love south park ? ; and do you know kennys older brother kevin mccormick ?
I was a huge South Park fan for about 20 years, but I am not anymore. Back then I had the biggest German South Park fan website, collected everything about South Park and planned events for the fan community. So I know Kevin McCormick. π But unfortunately I lost interest around season 19 and stopped watching with season 23. I still love the drawing style and keep my collection of South Park merchandise. The show had a big impact on my life. But today I prefer other shows and movies. Maybe I will catch up with the new episodes some day… but I am not sure.
So I do not want to copy SP-Studio items from South Park anymore. At least I try to not do this. I prefer to make up my own stuff and just use the drawing style, because this is more interesting and feels less lazy. This is why South Park related wishes have not a high chance to appear in the Wish Voting gallery. Wishes not related to a show/movie/game have a bigger chance if they can be useful for any fandom.
oh ; so that means you whould not put kevin mccormicks stuff on his face , brocks orange vest from pokemon diamond and pearl and karens paamas and her doll ?
Klara, please…
Many people ask me to include things. And do you see any of them writing comments about it? If things appear in the wish voting gallery they have been chosen. If not, they are not. Some of your wishes are there, because they work for more than one specific character.
oh yeah ; sorry for sending this stupid quistion ; i didnt know it will make you unncmfortble
It’s just because I already told you this before and it’s also written on the Wish Voting page when you upload wishes. π
If you want a tip for good wishes: It’s always best when you can use the items for many different characters. The thing with Brock is, that he also wears a green west sometimes, and this is already possible to build in the SP-Studio. A specific outfit for a side character who doesn’t even wear the same outfit all the time is a very special wish… so I prefer other ideas which are more interesting for all users. I hope this explains it.
sad; i know ; i understand ; i dont want you to be mad at me
I am not mad, I just try to explain it to you because you asked about your wishes.
well janina ; sigh ; i dont how to say this ; but ; i kind of impatient sometimes for the wishes
janina ; not to spam you ; but do you think that i should be patient for the wishes ?
Do you think I’m stupid because I try to be nice to you? It seems like it.
If you want to spam and troll me and send me messages with insults… fine. But I’ll block your comments from now on. I really don’t understand why you act like this, but I guess you just want to annoy me for some strange reason.
Do th’ Simpsons!!