This is the fifth annual Christmas Special! From December 1 until December 24 a new SP-Studio object will be revealed every day. Hair-styles, bodyparts, clothes, toys, background pictures… 24 surprises! So keep an eye on the Advent Calendar to be up to date:
The first item is a teapot, let’s see what the next days will bring. You can comment here to make suggestions and of course I am always happy about feedback. I hope you enjoy my updates and have a great time with this Advent Calendar!
Tag Archives: Christmas specials
SP-Studio Christmas Special 2011
Like in the last three years I prepared a big Christmas Special for you. From December 1st till December 24th there will be revealed new SP-Studio items every day. You can see the whole Advent calendar here or follow on twitter, Google+ or Facebook. I hope you enjoy those surprises! Spread the word if you want to support the SP-Studio :). Let’s start with a nice marching drum. Additionally I fixed an annoying bug with the colors of makeup and fashion accessories.
And as usual you can make your own suggestions as well. What’s your wish for new SP-Studio items? No matter if it’s your own hair style, celebrity clothes, a toy, a hat or background. Tell me about it!
Winners of the Christmas card contest
CONGRATULATIONS! Lefiou won the December contest with a really “Funny Christmas”. Your prize is a free wish for a SP-Studio item. And all winners get their place in the Hall of Fame and their own user galleries in the SP-Studio Community.
This time you will receive youe e-mails and prizes 3 days later, because I have visitors over the weekeny to celebrate the new year. That’s why there is no new contest yet. But it will start soon – and this month there will be 2 (!) contests. Wait for the next news to learn more about what I have in mind :).
SP-Studio Christmas Special 2010
This year’s Christmas Special has started! Each day until Christmas I will draw one new SP-Studio item. They are based on your wishes so write your requests in the comments or use the Wish Voting area in the SP-Studio Community. But please rerember the few things I cannot include (read about them here). I hope you enjoy the surprises. Let’s have a look at the Advent Calendar which will be updatet every day. The first new item is already there: a nice hat for cold winter days.
Merry Christmas!
The last surprise of the Advent Calendar is revealed! I decided to draw some New Year’s objects, because many of my visitors asked for that and it’s a nice way to end the Christmas Special. I hope you enjoyed it and some of the new items can be useful for you! Thanks for your great participation, I will remember your requests for upcoming updates. Of course I read every comment and e-mail, so don’t be sad when your wish wasn’t implemented now – perhaps it will appear in 2010. For example I will add some new hair styles then.
Now I need a little break… drawing so many objects was a bit stressful. Let me make a small remark though (fitting to Christmas): I work on this website in my free time and don’t get payed for it, so of course I am always thankful for voluntary support, because that’s needed to help the SP-Studio stay alive. So I am very happy about even small donations (Paypal: or a present from my Amazon wishlist. Perhaps some of your are inspired by Christmas to think about supporting my project. And thanks to all of you, who did this in the last couple of years! Of course it’s just a small part of my visitors, but I appreciate it very much.
See you next year, I wish you wonderful holidays!
SP-Studio Christmas Special 2009
It’s December 1st – and so this year’s Christmas Special can start!
I got so many nice requests that it will be difficult to choose only 24 of them. But I will try my best to draw useful new things, and of course you can still write down your wishes here in the comments. The surprise for the first day is a saxophone, because that’s the music instrument most of my visitors wished for for a long time. I hope you like it! I will update this Advent calendar every day when I add a new item to the SP-Studio, so don’t forget to check it out tomorrow :).
PLEASE remember: NO different body shapes! I have explained so many times, why I will never include this… please stop asking.
Christmas time is near!
To be honest I didn’t want to do another Christmas Special, because last years was so much work to do… But there was no update for two months now and so I think you deserve something BIG! 🙂 Starting on December 1st you will find an Advent Calendar here, which will reveal a new surprise every day. Those will be objects for the SP-Studio, which I will draw based on your wishes. So feel free to write requests in the comments under this posting or via E-Mail – and perhaps you are lucky and your idea is picked! I will also ckeck the mails again I got for last year’s Christmas Special. So don’t forget to come back on Tuesday!
And please only suggest items I can draw. I cannot add special features or different body shapes. I thought you’d know this by now ;).
Merry Christmas!
Today the Christmas Special was finished with the last big surprise: three gaming consoles, which you can use from now on for your characters. Here in Germany we celebrate Christmas on December 24th, so the Advent Calendars end at that date. I hope you enjoyed this Special and the new items which were added over the past weeks.
Happy holidays! We’ll read again next year – with more updates. 🙂
SP-Studio Christmas Special 2008
The first big SP-Studio Christmas Special starts today!
I will draw one new item every day till Christmas, and you can send me your wishes. The first new part is a classic Christmas scene as a background. Many wished for that and I think it’s a good way to help you design your own Christmas cards. But what will be next…? Have fun with the 24 updates and keep checking back for what surprises the next days will bring!
By the way, I was overwhelmed by the number of e-mails I got. More than 2.000 wishes were sent in until now for this Christmas Special, and yes, I read every single one of them. It’s very hard to choose 24 items to draw, so please do not be sad if your request isn’t picked. I have already decided to work on special themed updates in January to add more of your great ideas. So keep on wishing :). By the way: I have fixed some small errors as well (layer problems with the masks, bracelets, ties and text tool).