Please take the time to read this personal post, even though the topic is not a happy one. Although I have been organising the picture contests on a monthly base, there has been no new content for the SP-Studio since the big animal update in March. People keep asking if I ‘forgot’ about the updates. Of course it is not like that. I regret every single day that I am not able to work on this project. That’s why I want to explain what is going on.
I am struggling with health problems. The eye issues I wrote about 3 years ago have got worse. The vision in my left eye is now so bad that I can no longer use it at all (even with new glasses). In addition, since last year I have been suffering from unexplained vertigo attacks while working at the computer. These things might be related, but nobody knows for sure yet.
While these physical symptoms already limit my ability to work on SP-Studio updates, they also have an obvious impact on my mental health. My biggest fear has always been losing my eyesight, and now that’s exactly what’s slowly happening to me. It scares the hell out of me. I often feel helpless and depressed, and I can’t even remember the last time I was able to enjoy being creative. This situation is taking away everything from me that used to fulfill me.
Because of all this, I have to really pull myself together to at least do my regular work properly. Afterwards I’m usually very exhausted. Unfortunately, a lot of other things are on hold, including the SP-Studio. I feel bad about all of you who are waiting for messages from me. You can be asured I never ignore you on purpose if I do not reply. It is just too much for me to handle at the moment.
Why didn’t I write this post earlier? I hoped it wouldn’t be necessary. That I would find my way out of this hole soon. I would much rather write about something positive and not openly whine about my problems.
So let’s at least end on a positive note: Later this month I have an appointment at an eye clinic to examine whether laser surgery can restore the vision in my left eye. I am using all the professional help I can get, and even if it takes a lot of small steps I try to stay optimistic. That’s why I’m asking you for a little more patience. As soon as I am feeling a bit better, I am looking forward to being more active and drawing new items for the SP-Studio again! And I promise to keep you updated on the eye surgery.
How sad to read this, I wish I could help or, at least, say something that would make you feel better. Nothing to explain and, least of all, nothing to apologise for. Pleaseo don’t worry for us right now, what really matters is that you get the mdical help to be OK. Thank you for trusting us in this and for keeping us in mind, and thank you for keeping tis wonderful site running despite all this. You’re a great person with a heart fo gold! I really hope everything goes great with the doctor and he/she can help ypu, and then you can make life as normal as you can.
Thank for everything, now you take care fo you first!
All the good vibes, good luck and love from Peru!
I’m sorry that this happened to you, but I believe that you are very strong and your life will become at least a little easier! <3
I’m Handsomedog’s alt btw also hope you feel good jamiue
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. I almost had a similar thing with my left eye, but it’s a lot more different than the laser thing. I’ve had only 2 surgeries to fix the retina that was detached from my left eye and I’m thankful that it healed up real nice. Hope you have yourself a fast and speedy recovery
Thank you for your kind and understanding messages! ❤
It helped me to write about it, because when you feel down it only makes it worse to be alone with your problems.
No need to apologize or anything! Your health should always be your first concern. I’m very sorry it’s f**king you over. I only wish you the best.
Greetings from Germany. Eva
janina ; its klara ; what i say was wrong ; and i should never stalk you ; if i wouldnt be a such a skalker to you ; then i can still comment you and things would be fine ; but what i just did ; was very wrong ; and i learned its a chrime ; so what i just to sAY IS ; I AM SORRY JANINA
To janina I’m sorry to hear that I hope that you will get better soon bud but people can donate their organs I really hope that you can get a donated eye
from 💖Grace 💖
Thank you!
@Grace In my case I hope laser surgery will be enough, because the only damaged part of the eye is the corneal.
I should clarify that I am not blind on my left eye yet, but the vision got so blurry that I cannot read or draw anymore. So I only use my right eye at the moment.
That sucks, best of luck! Hey, this site shouldn’t feel like a job to you, it’s supposed to be fun for all of us, including the creaytor, so don’t feel like you’ve got a responsibility (I think that’s how it’s written?) to us or anything like that.
Take care, best wishes from a long-time user.
I’m so sorry about you Janina. I’ve been waiting take requests updates for you like weeks ago. And you didn’t add it in sp studio create page. I’m so glad you finally made back
I’m very sorry to hear of this, Janina. I hope everything works out for you.
I hope things will get better soon for you 🙁
I haven’t been to this site in a while, I used to do the monthly picture contests and I randomly remembered them. So I opened it and saw this, and I must say I am very saddened by what you’re going through. As a fellow artist I too have been scared of what a loss of eyesight would do to me, I can’t imagine how scary and hopeless things feel for you right now, but as long as you’re taking the time you need to relax everything is going to be okay.
Your uplifting comments mean a lot to me ❤
This week I had my appointment in the eye clinic and there are good news: On September 23rd I will get a laser treatment and the doctors are optimistic that this can restore the vision in my left eye. Afterwards I will have to stay in the hospital for at least three days and will have to take a little break from screens. But if it helps it will be worth it! I will write another blog post before I leave.
The vertigo is still an issue, but one step at a time.
I’m so sorry to hear that! But equally I’m happy to hear you’re getting laser treatment, and hopefully that goes well.
Don’t let us burden you; take off all the time you need, we can survive without an update!
Your left eye is is bad! While my left eye is good! So doctor will fix your left eye.
So good luck!
Good luck and all the good vibes in the world Janina! Hope all goes well with your eye treatment! Let us know how it goes. Love.
Im so sorry this is my happening :<
Hey Janina, after me and my friends/team read this, we felt sad about what you are dealing with. My squad and I are praying for you. Have a good day Janina!
From: Thz Unknown GamerYT, Thz Shadow GamerYT, Thz Black Cat, Skill hunter aka: Thz Shadow Squad!
Thank you all! ❤
The eye surgery went well. The healing process took longer than expected, but now I can finally see good again on my left eye. This is a HUGE relief.
I will return to SP-Studio content updates this month.
(Insert kermit gif here!)
Glad to hear you’re doing better! I, as well as everyone else, look forward to whatever AWESOME AND AMAZING updates you make next!