Big animal update

SP-Studio UpdateWith 40 NEW ITEMS this is the biggest content update since the SP-Studio relaunch!

The new body parts give you more possibilities to build animals in the SP studio. Or monsters! It’s up to you, but I know for sure this wild new freedom will lead to some interesting combinations for your characters. I spent the last months working on this update to make sure these unusual additions fit the base shape of the SP-Studio bodies. It turned out nature is very inspiring, so that’s the reason why I decided to have this huge update instead of several smaller ones. And I am really excited to finally share it with you now! πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed drawing it.

Here is a complete list of what’s new…

  • Skin: big dots, panda pattern
  • Makeup: small and big circles around eyes
  • More skin related items: Ape face, four different belly marks, fluffy breast fur, ape face
  • Mouths: horse, ape, dog, dog with tongue, lion roar, dinosaur, small beak
  • Eyebrows: owl
  • Noses: single dog nose
  • Ears: ape ears, big bear ears, bunny / donkey ears
  • Hands: open paws, open paws with claws, big dino claws
  • Wings: wings as arms
  • Tails: donkey tail, dragon tail, thin dog tail, fox tail, striped cat tail
  • Horns: dragon scales, gazelle horns, bull horns
  • Special haircuts: multicolor mohawk
  • Animal facial hair: fox face
  • Special legs: horse legs
  • Shoes: paws, claws, dino feet

In addition to these 40 new items, I have also improved 18 existing items. For example, many of the old animal ears now have more color options.

23 thoughts on “Big animal update

  1. Janina Post author

    Better color options for the demon horns, fur coat, hooves as hands, clown nose and some mouths.
    Fixed errors for short hairystle 66 and standard dress.

  2. Paul/Tony Maroj

    πŸ’―% 😁 πŸ…°πŸ…±πŸ…ΎU⬆ βž•hπŸ“§ 🀑 πŸ‘ƒ!!!!
    better ways to use it now!!!

  3. JorgePr

    Great! Thank you for so many additions! Wishe you included a snake-tongued mouth and “snake legs” (bottom part). But thanks!

  4. Janina Post author

    I actually started drawing the snake bottom some time ago, but I wasn’t satisfied with how it looked. But I might try again in a future update πŸ™‚

  5. JorgePr

    Too bad about the snake bottom. Hope to see it in a next animal update! (Maybe with some snake-tongued mouth, pincer hands , scorpion tail and snake pupils -meaning long vertical pupils). I know I’m asking for a lot, but better than nothing LOL.

    Again, thank you for the actual update!

  6. Janina Post author

    I hope to find the time to do an update for the wish voting gallery next week. I got hundrets of wishes to look through. There will be some new places for sure πŸ™‚

  7. Janina Post author

    If there is no update it is never because I forgot about it.
    Unfortunately I had to skip them for health reasons.

  8. claudexspeed

    Hi I’m back Janina! Sorry I haven’t not been active in so studio for weeks ago 😒 Can you please add more objects like Miss circle weapon and something like about Thank you!

  9. Janina Post author

    Yes, and I just started the picture contest for this month.

    There were no updates with new content during the past months and I am really sad about it… But I have to deal with health issues. I want to write a blog post about it, but it is a bit difficult at the moment.

    Lars has worked on a new feature for the SP-Studio though. I will upload it soon.

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