Update: Multicolor hair

SP-Studio Update: Multicolor hairThere are six new hairstyles that allow you to select a second color!

This has been requested many times and so I hope you like this new feature. The multicolor hairstyles are easily recognizable by their pink color. Of course, you can also use them with only a single color by selecting the same color twice.

For the first multicolor hairstyles I have drawn your requests from the Wish Voting Gallery and Patreon. But more will follow in future updates. Write in the comments for which existing hairstyles you would like to see colored highlights. You can see the name of a hairstyle when you click on it.

25 thoughts on “Update: Multicolor hair

  1. Janina Post author

    Why not? It’s fun. 🙂 It gives everybody more possibilities to create unique characters. Many people color their hair in more than one color. And when you get older only parts of your hair are getting grey first. So with two colors you can show this on your character.

  2. Janina Post author

    That’s no spamming, I am always happy about feedback for the updates. Thank you – and have fun! 🙂

  3. Janina Post author

    @Erika & JD: I am happy if you enjoy the update! 🙂

    @klara: Now that is spamming. 😉 If you have a question, please just ask it.
    Or you can write me an e-mail if it’s not about the update and you are afraid it might be off topic.

  4. Janina Post author

    I was busy with the update and work, so I did not check the Wish Voting e-mails yet. But I will reply by e-mail when I do so.

  5. Janina Post author

    Sorry, but I cannot help you with your e-mails… I know it got throught, because I got no error message back. I guess you already checked your spam folder?

  6. klara

    i forgot to tell you that i am having a loging problem ; i just try to get my username ; but it keeps saying that this username does not eixit ; i try to type my username as south park fan girl ;not it keeps saying its does not exist

  7. Janina Post author

    @Klara: Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about. Please stop spamming now, okay? This is not the place.
    I replied to you by e-mail, but I cannot help you if you cannot access your e-mail account. Ask your parents or teachers for help please.
    You can also use the forum or Discord if you want to talk. But please try to stay on topic in the comments here. They are to talk about the updates. It gets really chaotic if you use them like a chat.

  8. Janina Post author

    @Danielle: I don’t understand.. The SP-Studio IS a mobile app already since 2020. 🙂

    You don’t need an app store to download it, because it’s easier this way. You can just visit sp-studio.de and install it to your home screen. It even works offline if you keep it open in the background.

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