Happy Holidays!

SP-Studio Update: Toys & SportsThe Christmas Special is over and I hope you liked the surprises I created you for. Now I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

2022 saw the 20th birthday of the SP-Studio, I drew several updates with new items and Lars brought back the text tool in better shape. I want to thank everybody who wrote motivating comments during this year, because they always brighten up my day. And of course there are the wonderful Patreon supporters and everybody else who donated for maintaining the SP-Studio. Since I am currently not running ads the donations are very important. So, if you enjoyed the Christmas Special please check out the funding page. Thank you very much! I will be back in January with more updates. See you then!

6 thoughts on “Happy Holidays!

  1. klara

    hi janina sorry for brothering you but i am worried about you i notice on the forum that you were harrased by someone , and i am worriedthat he harras you again , when i saw this comment i began to worry ; i am dont want you to get harrase by someone what if some mean and nasty comment show up ; i am not allowing you to get harrased by some guy

  2. Janina Post author

    That’s nice from you to ask, but I am okay. This guy lives far away and I know that he is just an angry kid and no danger to me.

  3. McCormick

    hello janina! I would like to use your website but I don’t know how:( could you give me instructions to get to the website or give me the link? thanks!! 🙂

  4. Janina Post author

    Hello McCormick! You just visit https://sp-studio.de and it should load. Then you see a blue default character and can start editing it.

    But unfortunately there are big problems with the server at the moment. About 2 weeks ago the SP-Studio became a TikTok trend and since then I get many complaints about loading errors. So if you visit the website and just see blue dots that’s likely the cause of it. There are simply to many visitors at the same time.
    The loading seems to work fine if you live in central Europe and I get more complaints from people living far away from me.

    I cannot do much about it at the moment, because to bosst the server wopuld be expensive. But I am currently looking for ways to improve the situation.

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