Top surgery scars for trans men

Top surgery scars for trans men

12 thoughts on “Top surgery scars for trans men

  1. Janina Post author

    @Natalie: You can have your personal opinion about trans men/women, but wanting them to hide and to feel ashamed would not just be a personal opinion. This is discrimination.
    Adding (for example) a new beard to the SP-Studio is not celebrating anything, so why would these scars “celebrate” anything? It’s just a part of the body. If I include these scars I’d do so just to represent the changing reality. This topic becomes more and more important for many people out there, so I think it could be part of the SP-Studio as well.
    Nobody is forced to like beards or to use them just because there are beards in the SP-Studio. The same is it with this item. 🙂

    There is also a lot of discrimination against trans people at the moment, and I want to say I am 100% against this. I’m not trans, so I cannot fully understand their feelings. But I understand parts of it and respect them. I don’t want any trans child to be forced to hide their identity. They are often abused for political purposes, which is just plain wrong.

  2. Sunnyside Omelet

    I just don’t like that idea, not to be discrimitive or whatever, but who’s going to be naked to see that anyway, like you aren’t supposed to see that right?

  3. Janina Post author

    Some create profile pictures for themselves with a beach outfit for summer, for example with an open shirt. There already is breast hair for cases like these.

  4. Atlas

    Personally, I like to use the ‘scar (big)’ item to make my top surgery scars, I just move it downwards to the chest. It isn’t the greatest, but you can tell what it is.

  5. Janina Post author

    @nepeta leijon I removed the first comment because it was transphobic. But I think the other one is not that problematic. Some people just don’t feel comfortable with showing the characters naked, and that’s okay. Everybody is allowed to make a negative comment on a wish if they don’t like it, as long as they stay respectful.

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