Version 2.1 is finaly finished!
During the last couple of months I drew many new items, so here is a big update for you. I included a lot of stuff which was requested in your e-mails. And so there are more than 250 new clothes, hair-styles, shirt-motives and other items now to help you create your characters. Click on the preview picture to see a larger version that shows some of the new things. I’ll keep on updating the SP-Studio so it stays the biggest online tool of its kind.

Big update with more than 250 new items!
June 17, 2007 3 Replies
Unfortunately all comments from the early years were lost at one point.
This is the first update?
No, there were other updates before this one. But back then I did not have a blog for update news, so the informatiuon about all of them is lost.