South Park Marvel crossover

Superheroes #4: Patreon selection

South Park x Marvel crossover SP-Studio updateThe final superhero update is online!
This is new:

  • Doctor Strange: Costume (custom colors), collar, amulet, beard, belts
  • Deadpool: Costume, leather straps, mask
  • Wolverine: Costume, belt, mask, claws

These three Marvel costumes were chosen by my 5$+ Patreon Supporters in a poll. There were more favorites, but I picked the three which fitted the SP-Studio style best.
I hope you enjoyed the Superhero updates! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Superheroes #4: Patreon selection

  1. CF_Mitch

    Yaay, Wolverine!
    Awesome! And the others are cool too 😀
    Thanks so much, this’ll be fun!
    CF Mitch

  2. Lauren Tirro

    I’m only commenting here because I don’t know where else to suggest this. I’d really like to see “ass face” as a option for faces. As in the episode “how to eat with your butt” off season 5.

  3. Janina Post author

    @lucas: When I write about the updates they are already included in the SP-Studio. So you don’t need to do anything to use them. 🙂 The superhero costumes can be found in the “shirt” category.

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