I gave the beard category a complete makeover, and I am sure it will be a lot of fun to build bearded characters now :).
- New beards were added and old ones look better now. In total there are 77 different parts for beards now.
- The structure has become more intuitive while giving you more freedom to be creative. There are mustaches and chin beards now (and some special items located beneath those), which can be combined to full beards. This means 1188 possible combinations to create the unique beard you always wanted! Not even counting the special beard items.
- Shadows and highlights are available for many beards now and can be switched on and off when you add them to your picture.
Ooh, you added new ones too, yes!
It’s great that there are now shadows and highlights as well.
This is gonna be so much fun.
Thanks a lot!
i love sp-studio it is sooooooooo cool