Share a random fact about yourself! I will go first:
I took an ROTP (ROTP is basically Canadian version of ROTC) class in high school for 3 years because I had a strong interest in the military.

Share a fact about yourself!
Hmm random fact...
I have a bucket list sorta thing to see every year a concert of an "bigger famous" band from outside my own country. -
I have a collection of historical weapons replicas (mostly swords and flintlock guns). It includes a spanish rapier, a greek Xiphos, a viking and high medieval sword, A japanese sword set consisting of a Tanto, Wakizashi and Katana, a medieval arrow (without a bow unfortunately), plus two flintlock pistols and a blunderbuss.
I taught myself to sing at the age of 7, and was a first soprano until the age of 17 when my voice changed to an alto-falsetto (had to work on it to get it that way though...)!
The first song I ever learned was
"God Help The Outcast" from
'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'
I've since memorized over 160+ songs by heart and can sing them all acapella (without musical accompaniment)!
My current song additions to that list are:
"Ashes" by Celine Dion
"Soldier" by Shania Twain
"Heart of Stone" from 'Six the musical'
"Runaway" by Ben Platt
"Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from 'Les Mis'
It takes me roughly two-three days tops to memorize a song depending on the level of difficulty...
I can also memorize more than 1 song at a time!
Just a little random fact about me...😄
A random fact about myself:
I have a soft spot for creating lists. While I never managed to keep a conventional diary for long, I carefully keep lists of all sorts of things. Usually they are connected to my hobbies. For example there is an Excel file with every movie I watched since 2007. I keep track about when I saw it, where I saw it and who watched it with me. Since my friends know about my passion for list keeping they often asked me "Have I already watched this movie?" because they know I "remember" all our movie nights.
I just memorized "That's the Way It Is!" by Celine Dion! Within the last couple days!!!🙀
That makes me VERY HAPPY!!!😸😸😸
Thought I'd share another random fact about me...
Another random fact about me: I adore 18th century fashion, especially the early one, likeup to 1730. I wish it returned, so I could walk around in Justeaucorps and full bottomed perriwig.
A fact about me connected to Eggys interest in history:
I went to school in the largest (or one of the largest... there is debate about it) preserved castle complex in Germany. The Friedberg castle. Its keep and landmark of my hometown is the "Adolf tower", built in the 14th century with the ransom money from kidnapping Adolf, count of Nassau. My school was located next to it in old buildings inside of the castle walls. So every morning I had to pass the still existing castle moat, which today is a garden.
My school was just a regular high school everbody could visit, but the location felt like a private boarding school from a movie. I liked the castle a lot.
The chemistry lessons there were a bit strange.
That's a really beautiful castle Janina!
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