Contest 05/2024: ALBUM COVERS

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    This time the challenge is to recreate an existing music album cover with the SP-Studio. Try to stick as close to the original as you can. You can choose an album by a famous artist or by your favorite indie band, but it must be possible to find the album online. Made up covers do not count. You can find some examples in this article.:)

    Please remember: You are only allowed to use the SP-Studio, so do not edit with additional software (no cutting, drawing or filters). Don’t resize your picture. Of course it must be your own creation.

    Rules for uploads: When you upload your picture, please add a TITLE (most likely th album title) and your NAME! Use the same name for all your uploads. Names like anonymous, idk or me are not allowed. Too many use them.

    Jury members are not allowed to talk about which picture is their's until the voting phase is over.

    Upload your picture here:

    The rules are as always:

    1. CREATE a SP-Studio picture about the topic of the month
    2. UPLOAD your unedited picture until the 20th
    3. VOTING will start on the 21st (jury votes count x2,5)
    4. THE WINNERS will be announced at the start of next month
    • Official Post

    The vote has started!


    This time there are 69 pictures in this contest.

    From 135 uploads 66 were disqualified:

    • 12 were no SP-Studio pictures
    • 23 were double entries by the same person
    • 31 were disqualified for different reasons - mostly for not matching the topic

    2 might be disqualified but are still open for debate. They are marked with [DISQUALIFIED] but you can still write a comment if you recognize them as actual album covers.

    The most popular album cover choices:

    1. Kendrick Lamar - Damn (5)
    2. Nirvana - Nevermind (4)
    3. Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon (3)

    For transparency:

    After second thought I deleted a picture because it was about an album released in response to the Israel–Hamas war. The song and artist do not seem to be problematic. But the cover shows weapsons, and I usually do not allow pictures about current political conflicts. Unfortunately I missed to write this in the rules this time. Sorry for that.

    This decision has nothing to do with "which side you are on". I just know from experience that political discussions in the comments lead to nothing but aggression. At the moment we see more emotion than actual knowledge about this conflict on the internet - especially in comments sections. No need to fuel this even more in a place like this.

  • I just found out, you can sort the entries.

    Often I would like being able to give points from 1 to 5 ore something like that. Some had interesting ideas but didn't pay attention to the details and then there are others who really stand out.

    • Official Post

    This time I actually renamed all pictures to "artist - album title" so they can be sorted easily. :)

    There are different types of voting mechanics for me to choose from. Some of them are quite interesting and would allow a more nuanced rating. But there's always the problem that the vote needs to be easy to use... With a star rating you are kind of forced to rate every picture, which is more time consuming than just picking your favorites. Less people would vote.

    But just for the record, these are some of the other mechanics:

    Range voting: Participants can rate options with points from a given interval.

    Ranked voting: Participants rate options by assigning them a personal order.

    Star Rating: Depending on the configuration, participants can rate options with 0-10 stars.

    Dot Voting: Dot voting is a method to evaluate ideas and to prioritize selections and decisions in a group. And this is how it works:
    - Each participant receives a fixed number of points

    - Each participant distributes his points to the options

    - The option with the most points wins

  • Then maybe it's best to keep it the way it is.

    The Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here cover has text in the top and bottom of the picture which I cannot reproduce. Multiple text fields would have been especially useful in this contest but I don't think it's currently possible within SP-Studio.

  • Then maybe it's best to keep it the way it is.

    The Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here cover has text in the top and bottom of the picture which I cannot reproduce. Multiple text fields would have been especially useful in this contest but I don't think it's currently possible within SP-Studio.

    I think it is legit. With lucky guess work I figured out who made it. And the person has a history of detailed high level skilled pictures. Also there is an invisible character you can use to put more space between text.

    See picture

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