I have no idea.

Here's my creations for you guys!
I'll tell you if no one can guess!
Could it be the Bicentennial Man?
yes it is! Good job!
Good Ol' Willie Shakespeare?
yes! Very good!
Lune is french for moon. So her name would actually be Clara of the Moon...
De La Lune means: From the Moon in French
I don't know a lot lot french but her name kinda reminded me of the old name of the Space Mountain in Disneyland Paris (Space Mountain: De la terre à la lune / Space Mountain Mountain: From the earth to the moon) based on the novel of Jules Verne where people get shot with a cannon to the moon.
[Blocked Image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/29/82/a12982752e2109b51864932abf228937.jpg] -
The 1812 Ouverture was commissioned to celebrate the anniversary of Russian victory over Napoleon's Great Army in his campaign of, you guessed it, year 1812. Tchaikovsky mixed in there christian orthodox religious hymns, national anthems of both Russia and France, and some russian folk songs, as an ilustration of french invasion, and Russians reppelling them. The finale of the ouverture symbolises the battle of Borodino, and the cannons were added to simulate heavy artillery fire that was present there, and church bells, signalling evacuation of civilians. Unfortunately the Overture was never played during the celebration, since it was when an attempt on Tzar Alexander II's life took place on the very parade, plus, there were not enough funds for it.
What can I say, I'm a man of culture.
I am currently working on Cinderella! So please be patient.
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