Your favourite genre of music 14
rock´n´roll (7) 50%
alternative rock (6) 43%
hardrock (6) 43%
punk/punkrock (6) 43%
pop (3) 21%
clasical (5) 36%
metal (5) 36%
techno (0) 0%
house (1) 7%
rap (5) 36%
hiphop (4) 29%
elecktrnica (1) 7%
blues (1) 7%
swing (1) 7%
r´n´b (0) 0%
country (2) 14%
other kinds (5) 36%
some silly stuff I dont know how its called (2) 14%
just that fucking shit that is in the charts, at the moment... (0) 0%
who could live without???
I love alternative rock
what about you.