Happy new year! But let's take some time to look back at the old year. Create a SP-Studio picture about something that took place in 2014.
Examples for possible topics: Events (Ebola, ISIS, plane crahes, Ukraine and Gaza conflicts, Sochi Winter Olympics, soccer Worldcup, Rosetta lands on comet, Facebook Buys WhatsApp,...), deaths of famous people (Robin Williams, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Joe Cocker, Shirley Temple, Richard Attenborough, ...), movies (Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, the Lego Movie, Godzilla,... or new tv shows like True Detective), games (South Park: The Stick of Truth, Destiny, Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Brothers for WiiU, Shovel Knight,...) or just notable trends in general.
- If you are new: Register a nickname by clicking on the REGISTER button in the menu on top of this page.
- Then you can upload your picture to the contest gallery.
The pictures will all show up on January 21, before this they are hidden. Then everybody can vote.
- The picture must be created at sp-studio.de and submitted here till January 20th, 11:59 PM (GMT+1).
No editing with additional software! No effects, color change, zooming. Just SP-Studio pictures.
You are allowed to rotate the picture. - Add a fitting English title & description (optional). You can add reference links. No text like "VOTE!!!".
- If you upload more than one picture for a contest the newest counts and the others are deleted.
- When the voting starts registered users can rate the pictures (1-5 stars) until January 31.
- Vote fair! Do not manipulate results by telling friends to give you 5 stars and others 1 star. I will ban you for this.
1st place: Make a wish for a new SP-Studio item and I will draw and include it.
1st to 5th place: You win your own User Gallery. If you already have one you can upload 30 more files to it now.
Janina's Choice: I might pick one additional person, if I think he/she deserves a user gallery. The score doesn't matter.
Good luck!