I liked his earlier songs, but now it's just attrocious

Worst Song You've Ever Heard?
evrything from: eminem, that ugly "guy" at top of room 101, fuckin german rappers.
"Hot Problems" by Double Take is my new "worst song ever", although it was obviously made to suck on purpose so it could get viral. Two 12 year old girls talking about their buts and shit. It's absolutely disgraceful and it makes "Friday" look like a masterpiece for fuck's sake.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__HeE6NWmDE -
anything on this album:
[Blocked Image: http://galactic-voyage.com/Music1/Christmas%20in%20the%20Stars/Christmas%20in%20the%20Stars.jpg] -
Quote from Jetpack-guy
anything on this album:
But that's the album that introduced Jon Bon Jovi to the world! He was a janitor at the recording studio and somehow ended up doing a duet with R2-D2. So if you hate this album, you hate Jon Bon Jovi too!...
...Oh, right. Carry on then.
Cher Lloyd-Want U Back
One Direction- Every song
Nicki Minaj- Every song
At school we all got to pick one song as it was the last day before we broke up for Christmas (yes it was a long time ago however I don't care) I had to sit through an hour of this crappy music but when it was my turn everyone said "oh put my crappy music choice on!!" I ignored them and put on Winter Wrap Up... Worth it heres an accturate picture of what happened
[Blocked Image: http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/229010_461351400562086_571393040_n.jpg] -
Quote from I<3ShaneDawson12
Nicki Minaj- Every songNicki Minaj is a good chorus singer (stupid hoe dosent count), and i only listen to her to laugh when she makes up words. Also, in songs that aren't her singles, shes ok
Case in point (the songs called champion if you cant watch it.)On another note, I laughed harder at that pic than i should have. good job
Linkin Park: Qwerty or Eazy E Real Motherf*cking G´s
I actually love the song Real Muthaphukkin' G's
Macarana: I know it's also a dance . I found the song very anoying
Quote from Caribou
Not really. A lot of people learned the dance in the video, sure, but's not like you ever see anyone doing "The Macarena" to any other song, or going to Macarena classes, is it?It was just like Karamelldansen, or Gagnam Style, basicly, a viral music video with catchy music and easy to learn dance sequence. If I'm not mistaken, Macarena actually was the predecessor of this type of meme......
As it's a spanish product (not proud of it at all...
) I'd like to explain it (and apology):
The 'Macarena' was just a stupid kind of flamenco song written and interpreted by 'Los del Río' that was accompained by a stupid choreography.
[Blocked Image: http://www.elcorreoweb.es/resources/archivos/2010/4/14/1271246866812LOS%20DEL%20RIOdn.jpg]A 'disco version'...
with a female voice added became a 'viral song' before internet age and got to Bill clinton's Democratic Party being used for the USA presidential campaign ... And give the world the image of those who were called to be the most important people in the world making the clown...
Not a dance, not a style... just...
'Give happiness to your body Macarena... Hey Macarena...
Years later we launched the 'Aserejé' by 'Las Ketchup (The Tomato daughters)'... but that was another story...
I quite like "The Ketchup Song" even though as an indie rock snob I really shouldn't. I don't care; it's catchy and bouncy and happy-sounding. Maybe it helps that I have no idea what the words are.
Now the ladies of the harem of the court of King Caractacus, were just passing by...
Quote from Caribou
But come on, no self-respecting band would want the kind of exposure she's had. It's been overwhelmingly negative and often humiliating. I feel sorry for her if anything, she might be financially better off but I'm sure this whole experience has probably permanently ruined her as a person.
I wrote that about Rebecca Black about three years ago now. I'm happy to report I was wrong. -
I don't know if this is the worst or the best thing ever...
The worst music I ever heard will probably boy's a liar this song keeps playing over and over again it was boring in the music didn't sound good just the singer Ice spice it just makes the song 10 times boring
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