Suicidal animals
Why? Is that to dark of a topic?
I've been there myself!!! I've tried to kill myself before several times!!!
So, I'd say yeah! A bit dark...
We just had the October contest with many gory entries, so I'm a bit confused. Cartoon animals falling from cliffs or getting run over by cars or the like are such an old trope that I didn't think this could cause controversy.
I get that!! But suicide it's self is a dark thing!!!
Ending one's life is not something that should be taken lightly!!!
It's not a light concept and causes a lot of heartache for many who have lost loved ones to suicide...
So, please! Take that into consideration before you post something like that!
Yes the pictures themselves are not dark in terms of gore or graphic content, but the theme IS!
In short, think before you type!!
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