Exciting news! We are testing a new contest system this month!
Things might change again. So your feedback is very important to me. If you have anything to say about the new system or notice strange English sentences only a German could write please tell me about it.
I chose a general topic every newcomer can relate to: BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES. So let the Indiana Jones and Jokers out. And now we shall have a closer look on what has changed...
- Submit your picture on the new CONTESTS page until July 20. No registration required anymore!
- The pictures will all show up on July 21 on the SP-Studio Facebook page. Vote by liking your favorites.
- On August 1st the winners will be announced here, in the blog and on Facebook.
- Please use the "big" size (770x770px) when you save your picture. You won't be disqualified for different sizes, but it makes it easier to compare the artworks.
- You are allowed to remove the "sp-studio.de" watermark (this is possible within the save screen).
- The picture must be created at sp-studio.de and submitted until July 20, 11:59 PM (GMT+1).
- No editing with additional software! No effects, color change, zooming. Just SP-Studio pictures. Rotating is not allowed anymore.
- Add a fitting English title or description. You can add reference links so others can compare your version to how characters look like in real. Text like "VOTE!!!" will be removed.
- If you upload more than one picture for a contest the newest one counts and the others are deleted.
- When the voting starts Facebook users can rate the pictures (by liking them) until June 30.
1st place: Make a wish for a new SP-Studio item and I will draw and include it. Good luck!
- You don't need to enter your e-mail address if you don't want to be contacted in case you win the 1st prize. And you don't need it if I know you from the forum.
- Right now voting requires a Facebook account because I want to test how this works. If you don't have a Facebook account but would like to vote please comment about it here. I might add an additional way to vote for future contests, but I am not sure yet how to realize this.
- I am not sure yet if the vote should be anonymous or not.
- You don't need to submit your picture with the submission form if you don't like it or it doesn't work for you. You can send me an e-mail, forum message, Facebook message... whatever you want.
- In case you miss the chance to win a User Gallery - tell me why you want it and you shall get one.