salsa and tortilla chips?
salsa and tortilla chips?
Peach cobbler?
Janina am i still a jury member?
Grandma Mable
Chloe's grandma and her papa's mama!!!
She comes for a visit and stays in Chloe's room while she's there...
Mable cooks and cleans as well and as Chloe observes, she never stays still for very long!!!
My goodness, can she ever move!!
It is a bit exhausting just to watch her move about the house...
I hope you all enjoy this thus far!!!
Let me know your thoughts on my little idea!!!
Thank you and have a bright and beautiful day!!!
Taking requests here as well!!!
A kind of FREE art commissions thing...
And yes!! It's FREE!!!
I never ask for money, cause I don't have a bank account (I never have enough money to need one... And I'll never ask for money anyways!)
Besides, if I ask for money, it ruins the enjoyment of making art in the first place!!!
So I repeat...
For anyone interested!!!
Thank you for reading!!!
Have a bright and beautiful day!!!!
i made it in for now!!!
one minute and I'll take a screenshot!!!
before voting ended btw...
also i tried to vote yesterday and it wouldn't let me into the page!!!
its not a burden, I've just been so busy that i forget!!!
I'll vote in the next contest, i promise!!!!
Janina let me know what you think!!
You too Jareen2 !!!
And Eggyslav let me know what you think of my storytelling!!!
Please and thank you!!!
1940s Mewlynn Meowrow.
She sings like Jessica Rabbit
And speaks like Betty Boop!!!
In this snapshot, she is in a speak-easy, because prohibition is still in affect where she's at!
So, she has to be careful not to be noticed going in and out of the place...
Not as easy as one might think!
For one thing; there are officers of the law everywhere in that vicinity, so sneaking out unnoticed?
Is more than a little tricky...
One day, she gets caught and what happens next is a mystery!
Because the next day?
Her body is found, HANGING from a church's bell tower...
never appeared!!!!
And I've been on the forum alot!!!