• Quote from ADePALMA1251

    RIP MCA...

    Indeed. Beastie boys were one of my favourite bands/groups when I was younger. RIP MCA.

  • Never liked Billy Talent in the first place. Green Day should have split up ten years ago so we could remember them as the fantastic punk band they were instead of the dumb sloganeering corporate cookie-cutter they've turned into. :P

  • particularly, you're right. The best Green day albums are 1,039 smoothed out sloppy hours & Warning.
    the newer ones are good too. But they`re different.

  • Quote from Till

    But they`re different.

    Only really in the sense that they take themselves far more seriously these days. Billie Joe's songs are all pretty similiar when you boil them down (not to say they're not good, just that he's never really gone beyond the catchy three chord verse/chorus/verse/chorus/middle eight/chorus pop song). But being helicoptered into stadiums? Costume changes during gigs, and spending as much time challenging different sections of the crowd to out-cheer each other as actually playing songs? Concept albums? Joint singles with U-fucking-2? (They're releasing three albums at once, you say? It's probably because Guns N' Roses only managed two. ;) ) Please just stop now, Green Day, some of us used to really love you and you're making it really hard to carry on. "American Idiot" would've been fine if it was just one song, but making a whole career arc out of it is just lame.

    The only thing Green Day have done worth a damn recently is the album they released under the pseudonym Foxboro Hot Tubs, presumably because it's just a dumb, fun rock 'n' roll record instead of a Serious Political Statement. It's completely brilliant from start to finish, and it proves Billie Joe still has it in him. Seriously, Green Day is more of a brand than a band these days, and maybe if it was retired those guys could go back to doing what they're good at again.

  • Quote from Caribou

    Seriously, Green Day is more of a brand than a band these days...

    That about sums it up...

  • Quote from Caribou

    Seriously, Green Day is more of a brand than a band these days...

    its a damn this happens to bands when they become to popular. </

  • Quote from Till

    its a damn this happens to bands when they become to popular. </

    I don't think it's just because they're popular. MUSE have grown in popularity over the last several years and they seem to be getting better in some ways. But then again I love MUSE, so it's hard for them to dissapoint me.

  • I think Radiohead are probably the best example of a hugely famous and successful band who are Doing It Right. Whether you like their music or not, it's hard to fault their integrity.

  • Quote from Caribou

    I think Radiohead are probably the best example of a hugely famous and successful band who are Doing It Right. Whether you like their music or not, it's hard to fault their integrity.

    Oh, without a doubt. Personally, I haven't listened to much of them and I kick myself for that. From what I've heard over the years, I really like them.

  • The Bends is the one to get, particularly if like me you prefer their guitar-based stuff to their more ambient/weird side. Every song on that album is great, and several are true masterpieces. OK Computer is great too but not the essential classic that so many people make it out to be. The rest of their stuff can be quite polarising but those two are a good starting point.

  • I've been listening to The Bends, and it's great. I'm really diggin' Black Star, Just, The Bends, and Planet Tenex. I'm going to try out OK Computer later tonight...

  • Hey guys! =)
    Remember I told you all I was in a band?
    Remember I said we were going to re-record the three songs that were on our Facebook page??? :D
    Well, it's done and you can all listen to our mastered EP!

    Here's the link!!!!/Ben…rBackwards/app_2405167945

    What our producer did was edit and mix our songs with Pro-Tools, and then sent it to analog tape to give the songs that warm, crisp, vintage sound. =]
    I really hope you all like it.

    The song "Pictures" is the one where I'm doing lead vocals so you can take a listen if you all want! =]

  • Thank you, Till. That really means a lot to me. =)
    I really owe it to my friends who work in a recording studio...
    Sending the recordings to analog tape was the best idea we had.

  • @bellaXraven: It's a big improvement over the last stuff I heard, well done. Your lead singer sounds like he's getting more confident too (although you're still by far the better of the two of you). My only real criticism is that you should try to tighten up the arrangements a little: the first song is far too long, which is a shame because it's pretty catchy, but the instrumental breaks between verses could be half as long as they are now, or even shorter, and the song would sound a lot punchier. When you're doing Ramones-style punk you want your songs to be between a minute-and-a-half to three minutes as a general rule; if they're going to be longer then they need more parts than just verses and choruses, or more instrumental texture.

    Similarly, an idea I had for "Pictures": rather than starting with the band playing as it does now, why not try singing the first couple of lines with no instrumental backing at all, and then BAM! straight into the rest of the song with no messing about. Little touches like that can make a huge difference to the energy of the performance, and also make your songs stand out from the crowd. Not that I'm telling you you should use that exact idea, of course, but it works as an illustration of what I'm getting at.

    But overall, yeah, :thumbup:

  • Caribou,
    Thank you for your honesty. It's greatly, GREATLY appreciated in every way. :)
    I was a little dissapointed with the first're right. It is a bit longer than we intended to.
    We may re-do it in the future when we eventually get an album going. Right now, we're taking it one step at a time.
    I'm glad you like my voice. =]
    For the song Pictures, we may try that during one of our shows. I'll see what they think.
    Thank you so much for constructive critcism and ideas!!!

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