Whoohoo, more updates!
These are awesome, Janina!
I think I can create some really cool things with these items
Whoohoo, more updates!
These are awesome, Janina!
I think I can create some really cool things with these items
Well, then I'd like to request some more Final Fantasy stuff. Such as Squall Leonhart's gunblade and coat (from FF VIII) and Cloud's sword, hair and outfit. I'd also like to see Sephiroth's sword
Can't wait to see what you'll desing next!
Great work, once again, Janina!
My favorites are Sephiroth's hair (can use this a lot) and Snake's bandana
Can't wait to see what else you come up with!
Speaking of which, are we allowed to post the request you mentioned over here, or?
Loving the new items, Janina!
Yaay, bandoliers
The wooden stick is great as well
Thanks for another great job!
You're a genius (haha, 'Janinius
All these additions are really incredible.
My favorites are the Padawan braid, the new evil mouth and the spiky/demonic hair
No worries
Sleep tight!
Ooooohhh I can't wait
Guess I won't see it until tomorrow, though, if it's really a couple more hours.
But no matter, it'll surely be worth the wait
Congratulations on your anniversary!
It's really an impressive milestone
Based on something you said a while ago, I think I might have an idea of what's to come
I hope I'm right
Ooh, I can't wait
I don't suppose you're willing to give a hint?
Awesome, thanks.
I always love the strike-function
Ooh, I love it
I happen to be a fan of the 90's clothing style, so I'm all good
Thanks, haha
Though I'm not sure 'back' is a correct word, in this case
Wow, I just wanna start off by saying I think it's epic that there are LEGO-fans here as well
I have collected LEGO since I was... I dunno, 4, maybe 5. I bought and received so many sets when I was young that, at the moment, I literally have no idea where to put it all.
I do still collect, however. Though I limit myself to Star Wars.
Except in April/May the new Super Heroes theme will arrive, which includes Superman (my all time favorite superhero ) and LEGO from the upcoming movie The Avengers
Ooh, awesome! I'll go check that out right away
That shouldn't be a problem, haha
I love the song in your sig by the way