okay thanks! I appreciate the compliments! Any critic or advice would be most helpful to me. So that I can improve my technic and approach. Thanks again and have a great day!
-Merry ye meet and merry ye part!
-blessings abundant to you all!
okay thanks! I appreciate the compliments! Any critic or advice would be most helpful to me. So that I can improve my technic and approach. Thanks again and have a great day!
-Merry ye meet and merry ye part!
-blessings abundant to you all!
Janina you light up my life! I can finally make my Japanese geisha character and a proper Belle and Pocahontas! Thank you so much!
your welcome!
my last name is really major! My middle name is Anthony but how you knew that I'll never know!
Btw...I LOVE it! great idea!
I'd LOVE that! A physic huh? Well COOL I I'm game!
thanks! I'll try to remember that.
so, what do you think, Jareen2 (Jeffrey)?
hmm...well one of my favorites is kingdom hearts!
just for fun, could you please give me a topic to start with? Much obliged! Thanks!
thanks, it wasn't easy figuring out how to do them! Now I just need... YOUR voice!
thank you so much!