Posts by BellaX

    Okay, we have a problem here...

    I checked the current results of the vote and they look really strange to me. Of course everybody has a different taste - but this is supposed to be a creativty contest and if someone uses the items in a creative way I feel like this should lead to a higher position then if you don't move them at all. Only 2 votes for Dana, 3 votes for Art Vandalay or 4 votes for Kylo Renoir feel not fair. Not because I know their names (I don't think I know Kylo), but because I see their pictures and feel like they deserve better.

    So far I have no evidence for cheating and no evidence that the plugin is not working well. Both are an option though, because the plugin does look cheap. It's just a feeling that the results don't represent the most creative pictures. This happened before, but I never felt like the results are as chaotic as this time. Please tell me how you think about it when I publish the results later today.

    Thank you, Janina. I appreciate you addressing this.
    I remember in the past, votes were based on how different items were used to create different images...hopefully next time we'll see more complex pictures with more votes.
    Congrats to the winners.

    When I saw the name of this topic I didn't even think of Forrest Gump. But it does fit the topic :D

    Also you could have acted clever and just say they have their hands in their pockets as referenced in the Weird Al Song: Gump

    Gump sat alone on a bench in the park

    "My name is Forrest", he'd casually remark

    Waitin' for the bus with his hands in his pockets

    He just kept sayin' life is like a box of chocolates

    HAHAHA YES!!!!!!:lol:

    The vote has started! 24 pictures are waiting for you!

    Unfortunately I deleted two entries with Keanu Reeves because he is no bllionaire (not even close). But I wonder if I missed something if two different people decided to submit a Reeves picture? If you feel like he belongs please explain it to me. ;)

    And I wonder why so many people are not using hands this time. Is it because they are not added automatically anymore when you delete them and add a new body? I understand you can make it look like hands are in the pockets of the pants this way, but I was surprised by the amount of handless pictures.

    I honestly didn't even notice that I didn't include hands until now:drop: but I'm digging what I see so far!:)

    With the recurring star pattern that you also use as your avatar I get the impression that you are looking for your place in the universe.

    It's true, I'm trying to be the best version of myself and striving to find the perfect place for myself in the universe we live in.

    I'm also big into astronomy, constellations, and in a spiritual sense...astrology as well.

    2020 was a year of emotional turmoil for myself and everyone else in the world.
    Music, videogames, and books have always been great distractions to escape reality, but in the fall, I discovered a new catharsis: watercolor painting.
    With the exception of the third image, the rest are outlines I downloaded and traced, and painted the inside. Maybe one day I'll get better at drawing and I won't have to rely on tracing outlines.

    Here's my top 5...

    What a nice surprise, welcome back, Dana! :)

    We have been following each other on Instagram, so it feels like I am at least a little bit up to date. But it would be great to chat more in the forum as well. Everybody is welcome to revive old topics or to start new ones.

    By the way: I am very sorry for the missing accounts. No posts are missing (that#s the good news), but it looks like some of the old accounts which were not very active in the new forum got changed into guest accounts atomatically. I have been using this forum software for my German South Park forum since 2002 and nothing like this ever happened over there. :( Unfortunately it looks like there is no way to convert the guest back to a regular user account.

    It's all alright, I don't mind at all:)<3

    Hello and happy 2021.
    My real name is Dana, and I'm a returning member.
    Back in the day I used to be known as "bellaXraven" on the old forum, but my old login got lost in time. Not to mention I made that username when I was a teenager.
    A lot's changed since got in the way, between getting engaged, moving out of my childhood home, and getting my life together.
    The only thing that hasn't changed is that I'm still a bassist/vocalist in a punk rock band.:)
    It feels good to be back, and the forum looks amazing.
    Looking forward to chatting with you all.