Pizza any day!
Left or Right
Pizza any day!
Left or Right
I'm a left handed man, so let's go with that.
Allegro, or Adagio?
PC or Tablet?
I recently bought a lenovo yoga for uni. But I actually almost never use the tablet mode... So PC it is!
are you pro or con daylight saving time?
Con, It's an outdated concept with nowadays electric light and energy saving bulbs and LEDs. Plus It's a nuissance to readjust all the clocks and watches around the house.
If you were a superhero during Marvel's Civil War, would you rather join Iron Man, or Captain America?
As I'm sure Cap wouldn't quite like me running around in Anti-Flag shirts all day I'd join team money, um, I mean team Iron Man.
Would you rater work in a daycare or in a retirement home?
None of those, because I would be super stressed and cannot handle human body fluids. But if I have to choose I think I would have more fun at a daycare. Hopefully nobody dies there and I can paint with the kids or build with Lego's.
Do you still own printed versions of your favorite photos or do you prefer to keep all of them digitally?
I prefer to keep them digitally since i lack a printer.
School or Work?
Work, because I enjoy my freedom. School was fine and I loved meeting my friends every day. But my current job is the thing I really want to do and since I am a freelancer I can select my clients, plan when I want to work and don't even have to leave the house. There are no math problems or sadistic phys ed teachers anymore.
Soup or salad as an appetizer?
I'm used to eat soup first, so yeah.
White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate?
Modern games of Old games
Modern games for sure.
I cannot stand the look of old 3D video games (like the Playstation 1/2 or N64 era). Pixel art holds up better in most cases, but I am often frustrated by the game mechanics of old games. Today I want my save points and a comfortable UI. There are just a small amount of old games I can play longer than about 15 minutes (Lemmings, Dr. Mario and some classic point and click adventure games).
Regarding board games: Complex board games for an adult audience have made a HUGE step forward during the past 20 years. So I don't want to go back. I'd say we are living in the best times yet for analog gaming! The huge amount of creative indie games is exciting.
Rainy weather or extreme heat?
Rainy Weather, as long as I don't have to go outside.
Turn-Based Strategy, or Real-Time Strategy games?
Real-Time Strategy. Turn-based is like having to queue for a fight.
Light or Hard Science Fiction?
Though I like a realistic scientific approach to Science Fiction (like in Contact, Primer or Arrival), but I guess I enjoy Fantasy elements even more... So I go for light Science Fiction. For example Iove time travel movies, even if the concept of time travel is not well explained.
Choose one: You can teleport for up to 10 km three times per day... or you never have to sleep again but stay awake and healthy.
Never sleep. I'm a student so I'm already doing it with staying healthy
You have to go back in time and restart your life with all your current knowledge: go back to age 10 or 15?
I think I would prefer to go back 2011. (So when I was 15).
This because I skip my high school period as nothing really happened that I wanted to do-over. When I was 15 I was nearly starting my college for Graphic Design and a few years later I would visit my favorite band live and such. So yeah. 10 it is for me. And I might be able to send information to prevent terrorism attacks.
And to stay with time travel. What would you prefer to travel time with? a Tardis or a Delorean
[Blocked Image:]
DeLorean keeps breaking all the time, So Time and Relative Dimentions in Space it is!
Consoles or PC?
Console. My laptop isn't powerful enough for gaming and I like when I turn it off from doing work to relax and enjoy a gaming session. I don't shit where I eat.
Mayonnaise or literally any superior condiment?
I don't like Mayo, so, yeah, anything than that.
Yes or No?
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