Question of the day, which do you think is better a console: the Sony PlayStation 3 or the Microsoft Xbox 360?

Which do you think is better: PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360?
Sony's Playstation 3 has the built in Blu-Ray disc drive, and the Playstation Network is free. But, the XBOX 360's Xbox Live is better when it comes to playing with friends.
Blu-Ray, free PSN and the exclusive titles are the main reasons for me. The games are more appealing to me (Little Big Planet, Buzz!, Heavy Rain) and as a Playstation Plus member I enjoy my "free" games every month :).
I do not play online very often, so a free online service is important for me. It's just not worth paying for and until now I cannot complain about it. -
PS3 because online is free and once your hacked or banned, you could make a another account in minutes!
@ OscarGold100
Speaking of game consoles. Hey, Goldie, wanna play me on MW3 free-for-all?
PS3. Fuck the Xbox
[Blocked Image:]
To be honest, in my opinion, the best platform for gaming is a decent PC. Better graphics, bigger functionality, more games, and so on. Maybe that's because the only console i ever had, was an old NES....
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