Try visiting and reload it. Then you can get back to the regular page and it should show the new items. Does this work for you?

Single SP-Studio Updates (August 2015)
I see the new items , they look great, Happy Halloween. To all
Sweet mother of god, Janina, You have outdone yourself! Fantastic update!
Just a very small update for today: I sorted the clothes (unique designs), removed the whole Christmas stuff and updated the Hall of Fame. The next "real" update should be finished in about a week.
Finally I can tell you when the next update will be online: February 20th :).
For the babies! This update is dedicated to my sister-in-law – and to everybody else with small children. Four new baby items were added to the SP-Studio:
- baby bottle
- wind wheel toy
- rubber duck
- baby blocks
(Till: your item will be online next week, it took a little longer)
no Problem
Besides, the duck is great.
congratulation's with your sister in law janina
Her son is 1 1/2 years old and now she is pregnant again.
You asked for it:
- Today I included a confirmation prompt to avoid the deleting of pictures by accident. If you click on the delete button now the picture does not disappear immediately, but you are asked if you really want to do this.
- The horse is now availible in many different colors (stuff > animals).
- A wish by contest winner Till: A spiderweb was added (stuff > averything else).
And July will be all about backgrounds.
Today’s update is inspired by history: With the new hat, beard and jewelry you can dress up your SP-Studio characters as an Egyptian Pharaoh. You can even rebuild the famous death mask of Tutankhamun by seletcing a golden skin tone.
This was a contest wish :).
Today I have Freddy Krueger’s glove and burned skin for you to celebrate Halloween.
“Nightmare on Elm Street” is one of my favorite horror movies of all time and I got asked a lot about those items. So here they are!
I am sure the burned skin can be useful for all kind of creepy characters.
[Blocked Image:]
I am a huge fan of Sherlock and I think those 5 new items are useful for other characters as well.
Janina, you have outdone yourself, that is brilliant
I guess being a fan makes it easier ;). The single parts come from a drawing I did last year, but I never took the time to turn them into SP-Studio items until now. This was the original version:[Blocked Image:]
I like it. -
[Blocked Image:]
3 new hair-styles and 2 new suits inspired by Doctor Who. Another BBC show, but the next update will be about the stuff category :).
As announced here I re-sorted the "stuff" category and included three new sub-categories to make it less chaotic. Additionally there are new buttons to switch directly between sub-categories (they also were included in the “hair” and “shirt” categories). No new content this time, but I am glad I am finished with cleaning up :).
looks indeed less chaotic.. do you have any idea when my contest wishes will be added?
The next update will be a mixed one and the open contest wishes will be in it.
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