Would you use a SP-Studio Discord server? 8
Sure! And I know some friends (not in the forum) who would join as well! (3) 38%
Yes, I would visit a Discord server in addition to the forum (for smalltalk, voicechat...) (3) 38%
No, I don't care about Discord and will just stay here in the forum (0) 0%
No, I think this is a bad idea / might harm the forum / not worth the time (0) 0%
What is Discord? Never heard of it. (2) 25%
Since ArtisticFangirl brought up the question why we don't have a Discord server I think it is worth its own topic. In short: I will not do this now, but I will at least think about it.
What are your thoughs about Discord?
For a start I will copy my opinion about it from my reply message:
I see the benefit in Discord... it's more like a chat compared to the forum, which might be more encouraging for some. You can talk to each other without the fear off spamming. But I am afraid it is not worth it, because not many people might be interested in joining. At the moment I already use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, this forum, Patreon and reply to e-mails, so I want to avoid another platorm unless it is really promising. I like about the forum that we can socialize here. But there are not many posts... if I start a Discord Server and we have even less forum posts because of this AND just a couple of Discord posts this split would be a sad result. And even if Jareen moderates the new server (thanks for the offer :)) I'd want to have an eye on it because I feel responsible for official SP-Studio channels. It means more work for me, even with moderators. Time I might better use otherwise (for updates ;)). I know me... If there is a Discord server I will want to read everything.
Another personal problem: I feel not at home in the South Park Discord communties I joined so far. There are a lot of things written I just don't get, and this already lead to some misunderstandings. I am not sure if it's inside jokes, English slang or just the age difference, but I never had these problems before in other communities. So I am a bit worried about Discord. If I start a Discord server I need to better understand the "cultural" aspect of Discord, because for example I will have to decide when to ban somebody for spamming or insults.
But... I will think about it. Discord is an important platform and I see its benefits. I want to finish the old items and then I will have the time to decide which new things I want to focus on. If Discord will become a thing I will contact Jareen so we can plan what's most useful to have there.