Hey guys thought it would be useful and fun to join this community I actually knew about South Park for years but never been able to encourage myself to find out what its really about.My name's Karol (sorry if it sounds girly but its actually a male name
),i'm 22 and i'm currently residing in Amsterdam .I got to know quite a lot of people from all over the world
So i started watching SP few months ago (pretty late ) and found it hilarious.My hobbies ,well rather interests are console gaming ,music,movies,game soundtracks ,travelling,history,some technology and sometimes even drawing ..yeah it's nothing special but still
I find south park studio very amusing and hopefully i'll get a chance to post some of my ideas soon. As for SP itself my favorite characters are Kyle and Butters

hey there
so, then much fun around here.
Witaj Karolu, Miło widzieć rodaka na SP-Studio, mam nadzieję że dobrze się tu będziesz bawił!
Haha Eggy, I had no idea what you wrote, but I'm assuming it has something to do with welcoming Karol to SP-Studio.
This site gets very addicting, Karol. Hope you enjoy your stay here!!!!! =]
Welcome welcome welcome. Nice scarf
Quote from bellaXraven
Haha Eggy, I had no idea what you wrote, but I'm assuming it has something to do with welcoming Karol to SP-Studio.
This site gets very addicting, Karol. Hope you enjoy your stay here!!!!! =]
Lol, sorry, I've should write translation, It would go like this
"Hello Karol, nice to see a fellow Pole at SP-Studio, I hope you'll have fun here...."
thanks for the nice welcome everyone
nice to see you too Eggy and thanks for the compliment ViralMonster:D -
I'm new here and I have no idea how to upload to the gallery.. Help me!!
Quote from liana
I'm new here and I have no idea how to upload to the gallery.. Help me!!
Welcome, you will win a user gallery if you end up in the top 5 of the contest that every month is.
Also you can upload your images to a picture site, like tiny pic and stuff.
And then you can make a new folder in the unedited pictures to show your creativity and post the pictures there.
If you ever have any more trouble, just ask me, janina of any of the other mods for help
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