There is a bug with the Frankenstein bolts and they aren't showing up when I click them...

SP-Studio Bug report
Quote from Jetpack-guy
There is a bug with the Frankenstein bolts and they aren't showing up when I click them...
Yup, same problem... -
Quote from Dogzilla
Yup, same problem...Ditto, Same problem here.
I am working on the new update so I cannot fix it right now (some new items have already been included in the main file), but I will make sure to include a fix with this update when it goes online. This week or next week.
It seems that once you've used a text balloon you can no longer spin items.
This is a known bug and unfortunately I don't know what causes it. While using the text tool there already should be a warning message about it.
Ah yes, my bad. I've got in the habit of never looking at the text bar below the creator window; I didn't notice the warning.
I guess this might be a problem for many... I will see that I change the position with the next update.
I can't move or rotate or delete the snow foreground, the only way i can get rid of it is by selecting a other foreground
Hello, I have been trying for months to tell someone here that this site no longer functions for a lot of people I know all over the world...different computers, ISPs, operating systems, etc. It's not us, it's the site. There are Many pop ups, freezing issues, entire images disappearing at any time but mainly trying to make a picture here now is so incredibly slow and painful it's not worth trying. It became so impossibly bad that I felt I had to withdraw my financial support a while ago which made me very sad, I'm sorry, I was so happy to contribute to this site but I finally felt I could no longer pay to sponsor an unusable site. Tonight I attempted to make a special anniversary picture for my husband and after an agonizing 45 minutes trying to make something it went "poof", common, just went away, that happens all the time for so many of us. This place is so bad that it's taken me yet another 45 minutes to get this text box to accept what I'm typing. Again, I have talked to so many people from all over who are experiencing all the same issues, and we are sad about it, all of us. It used to be so fun here and I miss making my pics for friends, family and most of all my husband. I hope you can figure out the problems and restore the site to it's former, useable condition. Otherwise, lots of us are gone. I'd gladly contribute again if the problems get solved. Good luck Janina
This sounds immensely strange to me. First I thought its the Flash stuff but in that case it wouldn't work at all right? But that's literally the only thing I could imagine since it works perfectly fine for all people who are 'active' in the community board. It's even stranger since you write you had tried different computers etc… Newest Flash installed? and browser permissions set right?
Even less I can understand the problem you had had with the board software, I' sorry. -
Hello flirtinicyn,
first of all: thank you very much for your support. This sounds horrible and I am very surprised by it. This actually is the first time I hear about errors like this! Though I get a lot of feedback. How many of your friends share this problem?
Of course I want to help.
There is one thing for sure: There are no pop ups at apart from the "save image" pop up. I never use pop ups, because I feel like they are annoying. So if you see pop ups on this is a clear sign the problem comes from your computer and not the website. It sounds a lot like a virus to me. Some of your freinds might have the same virus if you write e-mails to them. Do you see strange browser bars? Or do you have the same problem on other websites?
The message board is a completely different software than the game itself, so if you get the freezing with both parts of the website this is another sign for the problem coming from your computer.You should install a good anti virus software and check your computer.
I am surprised how you were trying for months to reach me. I got no e-mail or messages from you. Can you tell me your name please so I can check on it? Did you use Patreon or Paypal for your donations?
Just to make sure: Does anybody else see pop ups?
Nope, no pop-ups here.
I checked it again. No pop-ups come from my website, so they must come from the computer. Most likely because of a virus / malware.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but is there a limit on the number of rotations you are able to do for multiple items?
Quote from ADePALMA1251
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but is there a limit on the number of rotations you are able to do for multiple items?
I've found the rotation tool stops working occasionally when I'm pretty sure I haven't used the text tool at all, but I haven't figured out what causes it... -
As far as I can see there is no coding involved which could cause a limit on the number of rotations. And unfortunately I am not able to reproduce this error. Please tell me if you notice anything else. Right now I am not sure how to catch this bug :(.
I'm having the same issue with the rotation tool again. I was working on a picture and I tried deleting some items I already rotated to see if I could rotate new items, but that didn't work either. Also, when the United States Flag Motif is chosen, the Canadian Flag Motif appears instead.
The flag was missing
. I guess one time I replaced the file with the Canadian one. But I fixed it with the current update.
I'm having an issue with logging into the forum. I can get logged in okay but frequently when I move to different pages it logs me out. Also the "Click this to stay logged in" button isn't working
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