Does anyone else love The Shawshank Redemption? I love that film!

Favourite Films?
3lvis: I do!
It's a shame I did not know about this movie for several years. Some time ago I had a look at the IMDb "best rated movies of all time" list and noticed it being 1st place. That made me curious. It's a really fascinating movie with great actors and a heartwarming story. I don't know why, but it makes me feel really good... though a lot of tragic things happen.
Highly recommended movie, no matter what genre you prefer!Other favorites include (sorry, I like many movies and cannot decide):
Natural Born Killers and movies by Tarantino and Christopher Nolan. Memento might be my all time favorite, even before Batman. V for Vendetta, Fight Club, Butterfly Effect, Donnie Darko,... I like mindfuck :). That's why I enjoy Korean and Japenese movies very much. Save the green Planet, Symbol, Battle Royal, Oldboy and horror movies like Ju On and Tale of two sisters are my favorites here. Asien movies rock! But I don't watch anime.
I like strange musicals like Little Shop of Horros, the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog.
And some Fantasy stuff, like Highlander, Princess Bride and Lord of the Rings.
Ony of my favorite hobbies is to watch horror / trash movies with a couple of friends (zombies, Troma, gore,... all the good stuff). Chillerama, Braindead or Potrygeist... we have a big collection of funny or bad horror movies.
I can laugh about Mystery Science Theater 3000 (my avatar), South Park, Shrek 2, Kung Pow, Back to the Future (classic!) and Monty Python.Oh boy, I guess it's easier to say what I DON'T like. Usually I don't like romantic comedy, western and drama. When I watch a movie I want to be entertained and not see people suffer ;).
Monty Phyton and Tim Burton
SLC Punk!
The Breakfast Club
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Sixteen Candles
Back To The Future trilogy
The Runaways
The Wizard Of Oz
Ace Ventura
Men In Black
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
The Runaways
Austin Powers trilogyand more!
Ace Ventura is hilarious, immature, but hilarious
the Mib series
the matrix triologie
back to the future
Mr.and Mrs smith
fast´n´furios 5
oceans11, 12, 13
South park movie
shang high noon + s h knights
nearly evry movie with Chackie Chan.I love the perfect mix of action and comedy...
Chakie Chan? Is he on
Fight Club
The Dark Knight
CKY (1-4)
Jurassic Park
Escape From New York
Pulp Fiction
Hard Boiled(The GREATEST action film ever)
-This list goes on, and on... -
Django Unchained. Quentin Tarantino has definitley struck gold again with it. The film was so godamn entertaining.
Quote from ADePALMA1251
Django Unchained. Quentin Tarantino has definitley struck gold again with it. The film was so godamn entertaining.
I think I would have enjoyed it better if Tarantino hadn't felt the need to insert the N word into every sentance simply for the shock of using it in the modern film medium.Leonardo DeCaprio was good though.
Definatley shouldn't have been nominated for an Oscar though
Quote from ViralMonster
I think I would have enjoyed it better if Tarantino hadn't felt the need to insert the N word into every sentance simply for the shock of using it in the modern film medium.Leonardo DeCaprio was good though.
Definatley shouldn't have been nominated for an Oscar though
I think that's a pretty ignorant thing to say. It makes sense that the word is used considering the setting of the film. And Tarantino does not seem like the kind of person that makes what he makes for the shock factor. Don't short change him like that. -
After seeing Django Unchained I agree with ADePALMA.
The language and violence could have been worse (we know Tarantino can do this if he wants, remember some of his other movies), but this was not the point. What really made me feel uncomfortable was how Tarantino captured this racist behaviour as being totaly normal. Those were the times. Everybody (even slaves) was so used to this horrible way of thinking, that for them the n-word was not even a real insult. That's why Samuel L. Jackson's role was especially creepy for me.
The movie had to show it this way, because most movies about this topic do not have the guts. Of course the fights and dialogues were over the top, but somehow I felt like this was a more realistic movie about slavery than most Hollywood crap I have seen before. At least about the way of thinking back then.
By the way, I had a similar feeling when watching how Inglourious Basterds was dealing with the 3rd Reich. Two really good movies. But of course you need a certain tolerance for Tarantino's way of storytelling. I cannot imaging watching those movies with my grandparents ;). -
I saw Django unchained just last week and in my opinion it was GREAT. It's the best (newly released) film I've seen in years. Tarantino worked his magic once again making it brutal, bloody but realistic. If Tarantino hadn't included all the N-words it wouldn't have been as good ( not because I'm some filthy African-American white piece of trash but because it wouldn't have been as realistic)
I've yet to see Django Unchained, but I don't understand the complaints of the use of "nigger" (especially since I've never heard a black person complain about its usage), it just reminds me of Blazing Saddles, it fits the timeframe and wouldn't feel authentic if it were left out.
Quote from Jabels
it fits the timeframe and wouldn't feel authentic if it were left out.
That's the most important thing of all; to make a film these days without it would be glossing over the issue for the sake of white guilt and Tarantino is better than that.Quote from ViralMonsterI think I would have enjoyed it better if Tarantino hadn't felt the need to insert the N word into every sentance simply for the shock of using it in the modern film medium.
If you wanted to complain about him using the word "nigger" for shock value then Jackie Brown is the film to pick, not this one (though I still don't think you'd have much of a case). But that was fifteen years ago, so I don't think anyone familiar with his work would be shocked by the language in Django Unchained even if it weren't justified, which it is. It might make a few people feel uncomfortable, but that's kinda the point. Treating black people like that should make people feel uncomfortable.Quote from ViralMonsterDefinatley shouldn't have been nominated for an Oscar though
On the contrary, I think he's been gypped by not getting a Best Director nomination as well. Although Life of Pi was my favourite last year by quite a long way. -
How was Life Of Pi? I was told by a friend that the story got a bit bland, but had really nice FX and stuff.
I was going to see it, but being in Edinburgh there are always fucking roadworks everywhere up town and they're always shutting down streets and drilling up the ground and I didn't get to it on time. -
Quote from ViralMonster
I think I would have enjoyed it better if Tarantino hadn't felt the need to insert the N word into every sentance (...)
I guess the 'N-word' is 'nigger' (Why hidding it?)... Well, imagine all the movie saying 'afroamerican' instead. Every historical period has its own words and way of speaking.
It should be as ridiculous as the latest edition of 'Huckelberry Finn' where they have changed the word 'nigger'... Who is everyone of this new inquisitors to change even a letter of what Mark Twain wrote?Political correctness is another cancer of the modern society.
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