Do you like You can support it now at with a small monthly pledge. Even a Dollar can make a difference. I started this crowdfunding campaign in order to be able to continue to provide regular updates and more content. Asking for money is not easy for me, but Patreon is a fair concept, because you support artists who already create content you enjoy. So you know what you get. They do it for free, but this doesn't mean they can survive without money. Here is a video about how Patreon works.
I started to work on this project back in 2002 and never charged my visitors for anything. Not only the updates take time to draw and code, I also reply to feedback and provide support every day. Now I cannot afford to put more time into a project I don't earn money with. I get a lot of interesting feedback and there are so many ideas I would love to draw, but unfortunately I can only include a very small part of those. To pay my rent I work as a freelancer, so if this Patreon campaign pays off I could choose to work less on other jobs and put more time into my own projects like the SP-Studio.
This is my Patreon page:
Please take the time to have a look and consider to become my patron. The video is in English, but there are subtitles in German as well. It's my dream to be able to work on what I enjoy most and you can help me get a little bit closer to this. I see profile pictures created with my drawings all over the web, and if only a small percentage of users considered making a donation, it would make a HUGE difference. Unfortunately single Paypal donations and ad banners don't work as good as several years ago, so this is why I take this step now. Financial support means more updates in the future! And as a Patron you will get rewards like the possibility to see updates before they are published and to vote for what I should draw next. Check out the rewards on bottom of the Patreon page.
I need YOUR help now! I am not good at promoting myself, so if you don't support me at Patreon please spread the news by sharing the link. Many people have visited SP-Studio in the past and use the pictures I have drawn, but I cannot reach them without you. So this is the one time I ask you to share something and spread the word about my Patreon page. Thank you very much for your help!
If you have any questions about "how" and "why" then feel free to ask me.